Gain energy autonomy and reduce your environmental impact by producing energy from biomass waste that is poorly recycled.
The customer is an agricultural contractor.
One of its activities consists of
recovering and treating soiled poultry
litter and green which is used as fuel for the installation.
> Turning litter and green waste into energy.
> Adapt the Mini Green Power
to the customer's existing installation
The facility was commissioned in November 2018 by Mini Green Power, which has been providing remote operating support since then. From time to time, Mini Green Power teams visit the facility to help improve its performance with the help of the operator.
> Remuneration linked to the collection of plant and agricultural residues
> Remuneration linked to the production of co-generated heat, enabling the customer to provide a drying service for wood chips and forestry chips.
> Remuneration linked to the sale of electricity produced by the plant using a 100 kW ORC (Organic Rankine Cycle), sold to the grid under a feed-in tariff mechanism.
> Construction savings thanks to the adaptation of MGP staged combustion technology to the existing installation by revamping the boiler. This operation enabled the customer to broaden the range of fuels used in its installation, while saving the cost of a new boiler.
> Savings on space heating thanks to warm air production
The ecological plus: Recovering waste in a short circuit
A model that enables waste to be converted into energy in good environmental conditions, with little transport and renewable energy produced and fed into the electricity grid.